What is your Total Credit Limit?

Curious what others’ total credit limits are out there; here’s mine.

Total CL: $242K (Highest single card CL is $70K, total of 7 credit cards)

Income: $350K

I just got approved for my first credit card ever like 3 days ago; I got the Chase Freedom Rise with a limit of $1,500.

Kimberly said:
I just got approved for my first credit card ever like 3 days ago; I got the Chase Freedom Rise with a limit of $1,500.

That’s higher than the limit I got on my first card.

They suggested I open a checking account with them too, so I did and deposited the minimum of $1,500. They mentioned even depositing $200 would help my chances. I applied for the card just 24 hours after opening the account, and it got approved instantly. I’m super excited to start. I’m a bit late (in my mid-20s), but my debit card info got stolen, and my friend has been urging me to get one.

Why does it seem like every other person on Reddit has an absurd income? I’m noticing a pattern.

Caelan said:
Why does it seem like every other person on Reddit has an absurd income? I’m noticing a pattern.

It’s ridiculous.

Caelan said:
Why does it seem like every other person on Reddit has an absurd income? I’m noticing a pattern.

Right? Everyone seems to make 200K+ and always have high limits.

About $138K total credit limit.

About $100,000, with the highest being the Venture X card at $30K.

A measly $1,900 limit across all cards. :man_facepalming:

$4,600 in total: PayPal Mastercard $2,500, Discover $1,800, Capital One Platinum $300. I’m only in year 1 of my credit card journey, low limit since I make $32,000 after taxes.

About $50K, if I remember correctly.

Chase $47K, CITI $35K, TOTAL $82K.

Total Credit Limit: $420K; 20 cards total; highest limit $40K. Income: $290K.

Got my first card 3 years ago, now at $190K.

Started this year with the Amex Blue Cash Everyday and Savor cards: Amex Blue Cash - $3K, Savor - $500, Total - $3.5K.

Just started building my score in the US. Total CL: $11.5K with 3 CCs: Amex BCP ($10K), Amex Delta Blue ($1K), and CapOne Plat ($500).

CL: $136K with a combined income of $201K.

Got my first card in February of this year, total limit across all cards is $13,200.

$87,000, with my highest limits being around $17,900 and $19,000. If I can secure my best rewards card with limits above $17,900, I might close one of my other cards. I don’t see much benefit in having over 2 cards, and if I ended up with over $20,000 owed on credit cards in a month, something would have gone wrong.