The next major player in CC travel, is Capital One?

It appears like they are spending a lot of money to expand their lounges. Venture X is an authentic high-end card. Perhaps Savor will undergo a makeover to rival Amex Gold.

They could do a lot better if they included a distinctive domestic airline among their travel partners.


All the information you need to understand their intended direction is provided by the fact that they intend to open a lounge at JFK directly next to Amex and Chase.

Has anyone forgotten that they are attempting to combine with Discover? They’re acting really aggressively, and it’s absurd that people don’t realise they want to take some more risks. I’m not sure if they will be wise decisions, but we’ll see.


@Brooklyn Discover never really gave their all to increase their network’s recognition abroad. If they obtain them, Capital One will. How much more might they accomplish with the Diners Club? But till then, they’ll definitely employ Disco for their subprime/banking side if they manage to snag them. will introduce their own brand to the premium market. where their long-term goal has been.


@Aiden Finding out that customer service would disappear would be absurd.


@Candy They pledged to increase the number of US-based support agents at Discover’s call centre. But after mergers are closed, we all know what happens to commitments.

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