Refused to WTF: accepted for a $20,500 limit on a new card, but the $300 cap was increased?

25M - No credit history until 21. First credit card in college (Capital One QS, $300 limit). Later got Chase ($3k) and AMEX Blue Cash ($5k) cards. Use latter two for travel, currently can’t use AMEX abroad. No other credit lines opened.

Credit background: No revolving credit. Experian score stuck between 680-696, FICO 748. Have a 3-year car loan with 100% on-time payments, 8 months remaining. No co-signing, all in my name.

Recent substantial increase in pay and expenses. Requested limit increase on Capital One QS monthly for a year due to frequent use and payments. Denied every time for reasons like “not enough credit history” and “time since account opening too short” (2 years). Applied for a new Capital One Platinum card and got a $20,500 limit with the same info.

Has anyone else experienced this inconsistency? Why does this happen?


I opened this message without even realising it was a capital one.

It’s a capital entity doing capital entity actions.


@Danielle That’s right. The moment I saw the title, I knew it had to be CapOne.

OP, welcome to the wacky world of banking.


@Brooklyn Up until the initial few times you attempt to use the card, which are denied and cause you much inconvenience

and to further irritate you, they add some last-minute extra security checks.

Greetings from capital one.

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