Same! Specifically have both for the PayPal quarter. If I hadn’t already depleted them both, definitely would have stacked with that Target offer.
Luckily I got that 10x intro offer on groceries for Freedom Flex. Looking forward to that 14x; usually spend $450-500 on groceries a month, but will probably grab some gift cards if I have to (or stock up a bit more on groceries).
MissNicklaus said: @CreditCardExpert1
You just buy everything through PayPal that offers it; almost all online sites I use have that option.
Thanks. I did pay my 6 month car insurance through PayPal, but that’s pretty much it. I haven’t had to buy anything but small stuff. I assumed there was a way to meet the spending without buying unnecessary things.
Zack said:
Damn. I’m gonna miss the 5% back on PayPal. Never realized how many sites had the PayPal option.
Definitely look into the PayPal Mastercard; it’s my most utilized card this year! Unfortunately, the base cashback went down from 2% to 1.5%, but having default 3% cashback on all PayPal spend plus store bonus rewards (similar to Rakuten) is great.
Madden said:
Honorable mention to the PayPal debit card? 5% in chosen category (once a month).
And Walmart and Costco count as grocery!
PayPal debit counts Costco as grocery? Target codes as discount store - Walmart codes as grocery store, so that makes sense. Doesn’t Costco code as a warehouse club or something?