Is the Chase Trifecta and BCE Card Combo a Crazy Idea?

So I made a table looking at the 25 credit cards I see frequently in this forum (I can share it if people want) and then I overlaid my 2023 and 2024 spending to see the savings by card.

I did some simple calculations and found that the Chase Trifecta (Sapphire Preferred, Freedom Unlimited, and Freedom Flex) along with the AmEx Blue Cash Everyday card offers the best mix of cash back and travel points for my needs.

CSP = Travel/Dining
CFF = Rotating 5% categories
BCE = Groceries/Gas/Online Retailers (I can go over the $6k grocery cap by using both the neighborhood Walmart and a free online grocery order which count in two different 3% categories)
CFU = Everything else

If travel points (Chase Unlimited Rewards) aren’t your priority, you could swap the CFU for the Citi Double Cash or Wells Fargo Active Cash for a 0.5% boost on spending.

So…am I out of my mind? Before I change my card setup, can you seasoned folks give me some advice, point out any blind spots, or suggest something different? (Please be nice, haha)

If you want cash back, the Chase setup is not the best route.

The CSP offers 3% for dining and travel with an annual fee? You can find those benefits for free.

A 2% card would be better for cash back. I’m not a big fan of rotating cards, but that’s just my view.

If you’re paying for cash back, I’d choose the Premier or BCP.


If you want cash back, the Chase setup is not a great option.

The benefit of Chase UR points is that you can cash them out or transfer them where you like.

The CSP for dining and travel at 3% and an annual fee? You can get it for free.

You can definitely get it for free with the Chase Freedom Unlimited or Freedom Flex.

Great advice, thanks!

My wife and I travel internationally at least once a year, sometimes more, so I like having some travel points along with a no-foreign transaction fee card. That’s why I’m considering the CSP, but I did look at the Citi Strata Premier too.

Think of this as a pretty open investigation on my part. Haha.

What card do you use the most if you don’t want to rotate?

I’m all about points.

I’ve been using the Altitude Reserve for the last several months, but usually, I stick with the Blue Business Plus.

I’m satisfied with my CSR, CFF, and BCE combination right now. The gas and groceries I can’t get on the other cards, and I want a simple setup without min/maxing everything. This balance works for me. Money I redeem on the BCE goes to a HYSA right away. I’ll add the CFU later as a catch-all.

BCE also gives 3% on online purchases, which is a nice touch, and I hit the cap last year.

This kind of validation works for me. Thanks for the reassurance. I love the HYSA idea.

I think that’s a good setup. By the way, you’re better off using the CSP for online groceries since it earns unlimited 3X UR points.

Another option could be the Citi Custom Cash instead of the BCE. The CCC can pair nicely with the CFF. You can use it for whatever major category the CFF doesn’t cover and earn 5% on up to $500 a month.

Okay, taking notes here. This is super interesting.

We usually use Walmart for online groceries, so I think that removes the CSP bonus BUT I’m very curious about the Citi Custom Cash.

I will redo some numbers with that as an option. Thanks for the tip!

If this isn’t on your list - the AAA Daily Advantage is a card with no annual fee and no foreign transaction fees that offers:

5% on groceries

3% on warehouse clubs (including Costco)

3% on pharmacy (especially if you have expensive prescriptions)

3% on streaming

3% on gas/EV charging

Oh wow thanks! I just found out about these two great cards.

BCE is fantastic for Walmart online groceries. I get my oil changed and tires through Walmart too, and when I prepay through the app, I earn 3% back. Plus, even payments made inside Walmart with Walmart Pay using BCE still count as online purchases. I also use Sam’s Club Scan and Go for 3% on all my groceries. For Costco, I utilize my USBAR, so my floor for cash back on groceries is 3%.

Paypal debit also gives 5% on groceries and adds Walmart as groceries. No credit check or new account needed since it works as a debit card.

Chase Trifecta and CCC is what I use. CCC takes care of groceries unless there’s a CFF grocery quarter, in which case it handles gas. 5% on groceries at all times, which was the aim.

CFF has its own gas quarter, so that’s half the year with 5% in that category too.

If you prefer travel points instead of cash back, you might want to swap the BCE for the Amex Hilton Honors or Surpass card since they earn points in similar areas.

kain said:
If you prefer travel points instead of cash back, you might want to swap the BCE for the Amex Hilton Honors or Surpass card since they earn points in similar areas.

Whoa! Okay, adding that to my spreadsheet. I didn’t have Amex Hilton Honors in my original list of 25 cards.

Yeah, I really like the BCE because there are many good options for Travel and Dining cards, and the BCE’s categories fit nicely with that.

If you’re really going to be close to hitting the cap on the BCE, wouldn’t the BCP be a better choice?

Nyle said:
If you’re really going to be close to hitting the cap on the BCE, wouldn’t the BCP be a better choice?

Okay, so here’s my math, tell me if I’m off here.

Our average grocery spending for the last two years has been about $8,000.

So hitting the BCP cap seems easy.

But the BCE gives me 3% for online shopping, with about $1,000 on Amazon, plus I can use Walmart grocery pickup over $6000 cap.

So I THINK (emphasis on think) I’m looking at:

$6,000 * 0.06 = $360 - $95 = $265

$6,000 * 0.03 = $180 + $3,000 * 0.03 = $90


Okay…not much different. Maybe my math isn’t as clear as I hoped. Just did a spreadsheet with a sort and filter. Haha. Good thoughts from you.

What about streaming services?

If you use the BCP for streaming that gives you (separate from the grocery cap of $6k) 6% for each streaming payment.

I access regular cable channels (I’m old-school and still sometimes watch TV) through Hulu live subscription (so that’s both $7 back for a “Hulu/Disney bundle” and 6% cash back on that ~$100/month bill for about $160 cash back/year just from Hulu), plus streaming bonus will also apply to charges made through in-app purchases with iOS apps (for example, I use the Sideline app for a business phone line separate from my personal number; the annual fee for that gets charged in-app and earns 6% cash back with BCP).