Hello there, I am hoping for some suggestions on what kind of card would be best for me as I do not currently have any decent cards that give me good cash back for regular use.
I shop a decent bit, both online and in person, frequent restaurants (I never use Door Dash or Uber Eats), and I obtain between 1 and 5 tickets to sporting events and concerts each year. That is not something I require for the card because I already have a Platinum card that I use for all hotels and flights.
Approximately 60% of the expenses on this card will probably come from grocery stores and restaurants.
I am willing to consider any card, but the Amex Blue Cash Preferred (BCP), Amex Gold, and Capital One Savior appear to be the three that best suit my needs.
Whether cash back or points is the better option is also up for debate. Charles Schwab is the provider of my Platinum card, which I can cash out for 1.1x points to my Schwab account; however, BCP offers 6% at grocery retailers.
I spend no more than $6k (the BCP level) on food annually, and if getting many cards would be beneficial, I would be happy to do so.
Thank you for reading, and I would greatly appreciate any advice.