Hello! Are you wondering if this is a comprehensive collection of expert advice on handling credit cards for beginners?
I’m an accountancy graduate who recently received a credit card, but as far as practical understanding goes, I’m kind of lost. I apologize if this kind of post is prohibited, but if it is, please advise how to manage it and how you personally handle it to ensure that your finances are still in order:>
Pay the entire amount owed every time. Interest will be charged if the minimum amount due is all that is paid.
If you don’t think you can afford to pay the full amount if you use your credit limit, don’t ask to have it increased. I use this to ensure that I don’t spend too much money. My credit limit also comes within my authority. If I wish to spend more, then I will need to pay my card in advance to replenish the limit.
If you have a problem managing your own money then I would advice against going for a credit card. But if you are good in that, then a credit card will not be an issue as long as you pay the money owed at the end of every month